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Company Overview

Ardea Resources is a Western Australian battery mineral company

Ardea Resources Limited (“Ardea”) is advancing its flagship Kalgoorlie Nickel Project (KNP). KNP is the largest Nickel–Cobalt resource in Australia and in the top 10 globally, making it of a scale that is incredibly rare and important in the World’s journey to Net Zero. KNP was awarded Major Project Status by the Australian Federal Government, recognising the national and strategic significance of the KNP to the Australian economy and the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia.

Kalgoorlie Nickel Project - Goongarrie Hub will be a multi-decade operation which will meet demand for nickel-cobalt supply with high ESG standards

  • Granted Mining Lease tenure in premier location for skills, infrastructure and resource project operation
  • 6.1Mt Nickel & 386kt Cobalt MRE positions KNP in top 10 global nickel resources
  • PFS shows KNP Goongarrie Hub will be a multi-decade operation to meet the global demand for Ni & Co
  • Low-cost Ni & Co, strong earnings for over 40 years plus upside, with project pay back within 3.1 years and post tax NPV7 A$4.98 billion
  • Ardea's ESG credentials strengthened during PFS, with In-pit tailings disposal plan, and LCA indicating low carbon emission
  • Ardea, Sumitomo Metal Mining and Mitsubishi Corporation to form a Joint Venture to develop the KNP – Goongarrie Hub

The KNP is located 70km north of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia - a world-class mining jurisdiction providing extensive existing infrastructure and a skilled work force.

The KNP MRE contains a total of 854Mt @ 0.71% Ni and 0.045% Co for 6.1Mt nickel and 386kt cobalt contained metal (Mineral Resource Estimate, JORC Code (2012)) (see ASX announcement dated 30 June 2023). The Goongarrie Hub within the KNP was the subject of the 2023 PFS which showed that the Goongarrie Hub will be multi-decade operation with strong production and earnings – see ASX announcement dated 5 July 2023.

On 29 April 2024 a major milestone was achieved with Ardea's Strategic Partner process for the Goongarrie Hub concluding on execution of the Cooperation Agreement with Sumitomo Metal Mining and Mitsubishi Corporation (ASX release 29 April 2024). The DFS has commenced, with expected completion in the first half of 2025.

Ardea is continuing with additional battery and critical mineral exploration to maximise the value of their strategic KNP ground holding. Ardea’s strategic KNP tenement portfolio offers unrivalled Critical Minerals exploration upside.