February 2025
Menzies Community
Ardea Resources is a proud sponsor of the Menzies Community School’s newly opened Play for All Playground. On Wednesday 19 February, the Ardea team joined the school community including staff, students and their families as well as Menzies community representatives to celebrate the official opening of the new playground.
Official opening of the Play for All Playground -
Ardea’s CFO, Rebecca Moylan with Menzies Community School’s principal, Carolyn Gribble -
Ardea’s Frances Sinclair and Rebecca Moylan
RIU Explorers Conference
Ardea’s Managing Director & CEO, Andrew Penkethman presenting at RIU Explorers Conference -
Ardea’s Managing Director & CEO, Andrew Penkethman (right) with Ross Cheyne from Orelogy at Ardea’s RIU Explorers Booth
December 2024
KNP – Goongarrie Hub, DFS resource definition RC and diamond drilling in progress
November 2024
Lest we forget - Representatives from Ardea and KNPL took part in the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Remembrance Day event at the War Memorial
October 2024
Ardea Resources Limited (Ardea) were the major sponsor of the recent Australian Nickel Conference, 9th October 2024, which is an important annual Australian nickel sector event. Andrew Penkethman presented a KNP Goongarrie Hub update to the audience, as well as participating as a member of the Producers/Developers Panel “Australian Nickel against the World?”.
September 2024
Ardea and KNPL teams hosted some shareholders on a KNP - Goongarrie Hub site visit during September 2024. The Slug Hill Site is 60 km north of Kalgoorlie and offers a view of Goongarrie, and is a discrete olivine adcumulate lava channel that has been drilled previously for nickel sulphides.
July 2024
Kalgoorlie Nickel Project – Goongarrie Hub Definitive Feasibility Study Infill Drill program is underway.
February 2024
Andrew Penkethman, Ardea’s Managing Director and CEO was part of an AMEC led delegation in Canberra on 28 February 2024, taking part in meetings and briefings to Minister for Resources the Hon Madeleine King, Friends of Resources, Treasury Officials and others, providing further information about how a Production Tax Credit (PTC) could work for Australia. With the key consideration that a PTC would help encourage additional investment and job opportunities and allow Australia to compete against incentives currently available in other countries for downstream processing.
Read AMEC’s report of the visit
November 2023
Ardea Resources makes the cover of Australia’s Paydirt magazine November issue

August 2023
EIS diamond hole drilling commenced - exploring for Nickel Sulphides in the Walter Williams Formation at Goongarrie Hub - Highway deposit.
A busy week at Kalgoorlie-Boulder Diggers and Dealers 2023, concluded with Ardea’s CEO & MD Andrew Penkethman presenting a compelling KNP Goongarrie Hub PFS update, and not one but two fully booked KNP Site Tours.
Andrew Penkethman, MD and CEO, presenting at Diggers and Dealers 2023 -
KNP Site Tour, August 2023 -
KNP Site Tour, August 2023 -
KNP Site Tour, August 2023
The Ardea Team at the Diggers and Dealers 2023 Conference in Booth 92 with plenty of information and detail about Ardea’s recent ASX Announcements regarding Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve updates, the strong Pre-feasibility study results and the KNP Goongarrie Hub MOU recently signed.
Aidan Spilsbury, Project Geologist; Andrew Penkethman, MD and CEO; Matthew Read, Project Director -
Andrew Penkethman, MD and CEO; Matthew Read, Project Director; Aidan Spilsbury, Project Geologist
May 2023
Ardea is working with industry-leading consultants and service providers to complete the KNP Goongarrie Hub PFS. An important part of this was a site visit during May 2023 by members of the Wood engineering team to assess firsthand the multiple project development and operational benefits of being part of the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder community and having direct access to infrastructure and experienced personnel.
Ardea Resources Kalgoorlie Office -
Wood Site Visit at proposed plant site -
Wood Site Visit at Goongarrie South drill line
April 2023
Ardea’s MD & CEO Andrew Penkethman presenting as part of the Austrade Japan Critical Minerals delegation – April 2023
Andrew Penkethman presenting as part of the Austrade Japan Critical Minerals delegation – April 2023 -
Andrew Penkethman presenting as part of the Austrade Japan Critical Minerals delegation – April 2023 -
Austrade Japan Critical Minerals delegation – April 2023 (Andrew Penkenthman is seated at top right) -
Austrade Japan Critical Minerals delegation – April 2023 -
Austrade Japan Critical Minerals delegation – April 2023
A look back in time – Comet Vale
Comet Vale adjoins the Goongarrie nickel laterite tenements located to the south and the Highway tenements located to the north.
The Evans family have kindly shared insightful historical information from their time of living as gold miners at Comet Vale from the 1940s to the 1960s. Their anecdotes contribute to the stakeholder and historical documentation required for the Pre-feasibility Study.
Old hut on side of the Goldfields Highway belonged to Bill Morris who had the Happy Jack gold mine down towards the lake. Bill was a ‘remittance man’ who was sent out from England after WW1 and paid an allowance to remain in Australia. (courtesy of the Evans family) -
Lake View battery site, carted by donkey team from Coolgardie ~1900. Vandalised by scrap metal people in the 1960s for the large brass bushings on the 10 stamp crushing mill. Had a 25000 litre Oregon Pine vat to hold the treatment acids. (courtesy of the Evans family) -
Dave Evans’ scheelite treatment plant on the salt lake edge. Material was sourced from the nearby Lake View drive shaft, crushed and separated at the site. If necessary, water was sourced from the water shaft nearby, which was also used by Main Roads Dept for the construction of the Goldfields Highway in the 1960s and ’70s. (courtesy of the Evans family) -
Dave Evans at the old house next to the rail line at Comet Vale. This was always left open for mining companies and others to use, using water from two Boans’ square galvanised water tanks. Later and unfortunately bulldozed by the Railways Dept as part of a ‘beautification project’. Two other cottages and the railway station were also flattened. More history destroyed. (courtesy of the Evans family) -
Railway worker’s cottage at Goongarrie. This was occupied by Harold Muldoon, who was the ganger stationed there from the mid 1940s to early 1960s. He was a quietly spoken, well-mannered single man who specked for nuggets for a hobby in the local area. (courtesy of the Evans family)
March 2023
Paydirt’s Battery Minerals Conference 2023
Ardea Team manning the booth at Paydirt’s Battery Minerals Conference - from left: Matthew McCarthy (GM Exploration), Alex Mukherji (GM Land Access & Compliance), Andrew Penkethman (CEO & MD), Mike Miller (GM Technical Services)
Ardea Managing Director and CEO, Andrew Penkethman, attended the InterBattery 2023 event in Seoul, where he was part of the Team Australia booth and presented at the Australia’s Future Battery Supply Chains Seminar and attended several government and industry meetings.
Team Australia booth at InterBattery 2023 -
Andrew Penkethman at the Australia’s Future Battery Supply Chains Seminar -
Andrew Penkethman presenting at the Australia’s Future Battery Supply Chains Seminar
Dam Water testing work at Goongarrie Hub - March 2023
Perrinvale and Ghost Rocks LCT rock chip sampling - January-March 2023
February 2023
RIU Explorers Conference
Alex Mukherji (General Manager – Land Access & Compliance) and Andrew Penkethman (Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer)
December 2022
Andrew Penkethman, Ardea’s MD and CEO, has been part of an Australian Critical Minerals Delegation to Europe organised by Austrade. He has been presenting to Government representatives, Lithium-ion battery manufacturers and OEMs who are looking to secure meaningful quantities of ethical and sustainable nickel and cobalt.
October 2022
Ardea Managing Director Andrew Penkethman took part in Austrade’s Critical Minerals delegation to the Republic of Korea during October.
Australian Nickel Conference
Alex Mukherji (General Manager – Land Access & Compliance) and Andrew Penkethman (Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer) with Aggie Szabo (Bureau Veritas) and Michael Washbourne (Paydirt Media) -
Andrew Penkethman (Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer), Alex Mukherji (General Manager – Land Access & Compliance), Matthew McCarthy (General Manager – Exploration) and Alvin Tiong (Senior Process Engineer)
September 2022
Ardea Managing Director Andrew Penkethman is in India this week participating in the Austrade Critical Minerals delegation.
His feedback from meetings undertaken thus far indicates that current market forecasts for the expansion of the lithium-ion battery sector and requirement for key battery minerals such as nickel and cobalt, tend to underestimate the rapid uptake of EVs within India. With Ardea’s Kalgoorlie Nickel Project hosting the largest nickel-cobalt deposit in Australia, Ardea is well placed to provide sustainable and ethical battery mineral supply to help meet future demand.
As part of this trip, the delegation visited the Ola Electric Factory.
August 2022
10 August: The Ardea team on the ground during a recent KNP Goongarrie Hub site visit.
2 August: Andrew Penkethman (MD & CEO) and Mat Longworth (Chair) available for questions at Diggers and Dealers 2022.
(from left) Mike Miller (General Manager – Technical) and Mat Longworth (Chair) -
Andrew Penkethman (MD & CEO) and Mat Longworth (Chair) -
With Luke Mateljan and Ross Lynch of Ngaliku WPH JV. Ross is the son of local elder Aubrey Lynch. l-r: Luke Mateljan, Mat Longworth (Ardea Chair), Ross Lynch, Mike Miller (Ardea General Manager – Technical), Andrew Penkethman (Ardea MD & CEO) -
Geologist Aidan Spilsbury with Chair Mat Longworth
July 2022
20 July: Alex Mukherji, General Manager – Land Access and Compliance, and Andrew Penkethman, Managing Director and CEO, are at the Noosa Mining Conference which commenced today. Andrew will also be presenting to the conference on Friday 22nd 9.30pm EST.
11 July: Ardea team visiting the FBICRC cathode precursor production pilot plant, at Curtin University, Perth Western Australia
Alvin Tiong (Senior Process Engineer), Mike Miller (General Manager – Technical Services) and Andrew Penkethman (MD & CEO) -
Alvin Tiong (Senior Process Engineer) and Mike Miller (General Manager – Technical Services)
June 2022
Mike Miller (General Manager – Technical) and Mat Longworth (Chair) with members of the Ardea Kalgoorlie-Boulder based team on site at Goongarrie
Members of the Ardea Kalgoorlie-Boulder based team on site at Goongarrie -
Graham Evans Walter (l); Mike Miller (centre) -
Mat Longworth (r) -
Mat Longworth (centre back)
April 2022
2022 Student Meets Industry Night – AusIMM Kalgoorlie Student Chapter, Thursday 28 April 2022
Ardea CEO Andrew Penkethman (left) -
Ardea CEO Andrew Penkethman (third from left) and Project Geologist Aidan Spilsbury (third from right) -
Ardea CEO Andrew Penkethman (left)
March 2022
Siberia Water drilling
Exploration drilling at the Emu Lake Nickel Sulphide Camp
Diamond drill rig from industry-leading contractor DDH1 set up for drill hole AELD0004 at Binti South -
Diamond drill rig from industry-leading contractor DDH1 set up for drill hole AELD0004 at Binti South -
Gossan outcrop located at the Binti Gossan target whilst surveying the proposed diamond drill collars
February 2022
RIU Explorers Conference
Andrew Penkethman (Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer) -
Andrew Penkethman (Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer) -
Ardea Resources display -
Ardea Resources display
January 2022
Emu Lake nickel sulphide discovery confirmed with 2.72m @ 5.42% Ni • AELD0003 Diamond drill core showing high grade massive sulphide • Learn more
December 2021
Ardea personnel attending a Cultural Awareness Training session in West Kalgoorlie on 8 December 2021, led by well-respected Eastern Goldfields Aboriginal Elder, Aubrey Lynch.
The annual St Barbara’s Day parade through Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie-Boulder, shows the great support of the resources sector from the City of Kalgoorlie Boulder.
August 2021
The drilling is underway at Highway as part of our Goongarrie Hub metallurgical testwork program.
Diamond drilling to collect metallurgical samples for Goongarrie Hub testwork, August 2021.
Diggers and Dealers Mining Forum
L-R Bruce Armstrong with Ardea’s Alex Mukherji, Andrew Penkethman (CEO), and Mathew Longworth (Chair) at Ardea’s Booth Diggers and Dealers 2021 -
L-R Ardea’s Andrew Penkethman (CEO), Alex Mukherji (Manager Land Access & Compliance), and Mathew Longworth (Chair) ready to inform Diggers and Dealers 2021 delegates on Ardea’s Kalgoorlie Nickel Project and corporate activities
June 2021
Andrew Penkethman (right) and Darren Howe at the Meet the Suppliers Expo, Wednesday 16 June 2021, at the Goldfields Arts Centre in Kalgoorlie.
April 2021
Processing AELD0002 Core.
March 2021
Aircore drilling at Goongarrie during March 2021.
February 2021
RIU Explorers Conference
Mathew Longworth (Chair), Andrew Penkethman (Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer), and Matthew Painter (General Manager – Exploration) -
Mike Miller (Process Manager), Andrew Penkethman (Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer), Matthew Painter (General Manager – Exploration), Alex Mukherji (Manager Land Access & Compliance), Aggie Szabo (Bureau Veritas)
January 2021
Diamond drilling at Lily Albany and RC drilling on the Brighton Grafters Trend.
November 2020
Drilling at Binti Gossan.
October 2020
Drilling at Zeus.
July 2020
Exploration drilling at Lady Charlotte prospect within the Grafter area.
July 2020
Ardea’s Goongarrie Nickel Cobalt Project.
July 2020
Ardea’s Aphrodite North gold exploration drilling.
April 2020
Bulong field work.
March 2020
February 2020
Ardea project evaluation for gold exploration in the Eastern Goldfields.
February 2020
Andrew Penkethman (Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer) and Matt Painter (General Manager – Exploration) at the RIU Explorers Conference Fremantle.
November 2019
Lady Isobel Prospect.
July 2019
Andrew Penkethman (CEO) and Matthew Painter (General Manager – Exploration) at Sprott Natural Resources Symposium 2019.
May 2019
In the booth at Sydney Resources Round-Up. Matthew Painter (General Manager – Exploration), Andrew Penkethman (CEO).
April 2019
Goongarrie Nickel Cobalt Project
October 2018
Ardea Resources supporting Goldfields Child Care Centre
September 2018
Bedonia Field Trip
July 2018
Mt Zephyr: Dunns Line trend – Matt leaves his desk behind and finds a few orebodies, Mt Zephyr sampling in full-swing.
Bush diary in the wilds of Canada: Today Matt presented to the Sprott conference. The presentation was extremely well received, the second photo shows the all investors holding back to ask questions (even though free drinks were being served outside). Extremely well presented and well received presentation, we had conversations with investors for the next hour and half. We have spoken with at least half a dozen Ardea shareholders today, the first day of the conference has been a success. It was a very proud Ardea moment when Matt presented today!
Mt Zephyr recon field trip: Harry, Matt at work on BIF outcrop and the 'subtle' subcrop zones.
October 2017
Goldfields prospector Dave Evans pegged the first nickel claim in WA at Comet Vale in 1961, where he mined scheelite and gold. In the 1930s he would take the community to dances at Menzies on this truck. He later mined beryl, columbite, chrysoprase and prase jade. Chrysoprase occurs throughout the KNP. The truck was also used to pull and cart sandalwood. -
Ardea Resources presented at the Australian Nickel Conference 17th October, and fielded a great deal of interest in the KNP.
June 2017
Black Range Cobalt Project
May 2017
First cobalt core hole completed at Goongarrie South, KNP Cobalt Zone. Ongoing core drill program will be focussed on cobalt and will generate representative samples for developing the KNP Cobalt Zone metallurgical flow-sheet.
February 2017
Ardea personnel have been busy getting drill sites ready at KNP Cobalt and Mt Zephyr, to facilitate start of exploration programs on ASX listing.
High grade nickel-cobalt at Black Range: Facing north, this rock overhang has high grade mineralisation exposed as the dark yellow mustard-coloured clay. The existing Black Range RC drill-holes are up to 400 metres apart, so we need to do in-fill drilling to work out where we site our metallurgical core holes. -
Sampling old gold mines at Ghost Rocks: Facing northwest, the old workings are running in all directions, the mine mullock seems less in volume than what you would expect for such deep shafts and best of all, not an old drill hole to be seen anywhere. All the ingredients for a bulk tonnage stockwork gold system. -
Dust devil Mt Zephyr: A zephyr is supposed to be a light wind, not like this dust devil. Mt Zephyr country is flat and featureless and highly weathered, probably reflecting intense shearing and alteration along the east side of the Celia Shear Zone. This featureless country has some the best soil gold anomalies we have seen (1163ppb at Easter Well, 273ppb at Gale), never RC drilled, unbelievable for this part of the world. -
Locating old drill holes at Taurus: Usual story, we have some 19 holes in our data base and there must be 60 scattered around Taurus, probably from 30 years ago. Only option is to find the old sample piles and sample what we can, and then decide where to drill.