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Kalgoorlie Nickel Project

Kalgoorlie Nickel Project - Goongarrie Hub will be a multi-decade operation which will meet demand for nickel-cobalt supply with high ESG standards

  • Granted Mining Lease tenure in premier location for skills, infrastructure and resource project operation
  • 6.1Mt Nickel & 386kt Cobalt MRE positions KNP in top 10 global nickel resources
  • PFS shows KNP Goongarrie Hub will be a multi-decade operation to meet the global demand for Ni & Co
  • Low-cost Ni & Co, strong earnings for over 40 years plus upside, with project pay back within 3.1 years and post tax NPV7 A$4.98 billion
  • Ardea's ESG credentials strengthened during PFS, with In-pit tailings disposal plan, and LCA indicating low carbon emission
  • Ardea, Sumitomo Metal Mining and Mitsubishi Corporation complete binding Shareholder Agreement to develop the KNP – Goongarrie Hub

For more information, references and disclosures, see ASX announcements dated 30 June 2023, 5 July 2023, 29 April 2024 and 30 August 2024.

Kalgoorlie Nickel Project

Ardea’s KNP hosts one of the largest nickel-cobalt resources in the developed World, 854Mt at 0.71% Ni and 0.045% Co for 6.1Mt of contained nickel and 386kt of contained cobalt (ASX release 30 June 2023), which places the Company in a prime position to provide essential supplies of ESG-compliant nickel and cobalt, along with other Critical Minerals such as scandium.

The Goongarrie Hub, within the KNP is located 70km northwest of the mining centre the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, with resources of 584Mt at 0.69% nickel and 0.043% cobalt for 4Mt of contained nickel and 250kt of contained cobalt (ASX release 30 June 2023). Resources from the Goongarrie, Highway and Siberia North laterite nickel-cobalt deposits are planned to be the base load feed for a process operation located at Goongarrie South.

The resources at Goongarrie are dominantly the premium goethite style and extend continuously over 25km of strike and at Highway, 30km north, over a strike length of 10km. All key Goongarrie Hub mineral resources are located on granted mining leases.

The project also has ready access to high-quality infrastructure with the Goldfields Highway, rail line and power infrastructure passing through the project area. The gas pipeline is located some 30km to the east and there are two port options, these being Esperance and Kwinana, that are well serviced by the KNP road and rail network.

With the exception of the Goongarrie Hub (which will be under the Joint Venture announced 29 April 2024, Ardea will continue to retain 100% of all other KNP tenements, being the Kalpini Hub (Kalpini, Bulong projects) and the Yerilla Hub (Jump Up Dam, Boyce Creek and Aubils projects).

These projects provide the Company with an internal project pipeline for future growth for nickel-cobalt and associated Critical Minerals.

Ardea, Sumitomo Metal Mining (SMM) and Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) complete binding Shareholder Agreement setting out the terms for Joint Venture to develop the Kalgoorlie Nickel Project (KNP) – Goongarrie Hub

  • Strategic Partners selected for the globally significant KNP – Goongarrie Hub located in the tier 1 mining jurisdiction of WA.
  • Ardea executed a binding Cooperation Agreement to form a 50:50 incorporated JV with SMM and MC (Consortium) which represents a significant Critical Minerals Collaboration 26 April 2024, subject to conditions precedent, all conditions now met.
  • Ardea, Sumitomo Metal Mining and Mitsubishi Corporation completed binding Shareholder Agreement to develop the KNP – Goongarrie Hub 30 August 2024.
  • The Consortium will fully fund KNP Goongarrie Hub Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) up to budget A$98.5M to earn 35% interest in a Joint Venture managed by Ardea’s subsidiary Kalgoorlie Nickel Pty Ltd (KNPL) with significant technical input from Ardea, SMM and MC1.
  • The Consortium will earn an additional 15% interest on Final Investment Decision, with the Consortium assisting KNPL in optimising debt financing. This will take the Consortium to 50% interest in KNPL, with Ardea retaining 50% of KNPL.
  • For more, see ASX announcements dated 29 April 2024 and 2 September 2024.

Kalgoorlie Nickel Project - Goongarrie Hub will be a multi-decade operation which will meet demand for nickel-cobalt supply with high ESG standards

Once in production, the Kalgoorlie Nickel Project – Goongarrie Hub is expected to be one of the largest nickel-cobalt producers in Australia. The project will meet the high ESG standards expected from modern society and be a leader in responsible resource project development, as demonstrated by Ardea’s 2023 Pre-Feasibility Study.

PFS 5 July 2023 Highlights include:

  • Ore Reserve – 194.1Mt at 0.70% Ni and 0.05% Co for 1.36Mt of contained nickel and 99,000t of contained cobalt
  • Mining optimisation studies have projected production of approximately 30,000t of nickel and 2,000t of cobalt per year for more than 40 years. Year 1 to 5 (post ramp up) production >34ktpa nickel and >3ktpa cobalt
  • Conventional low-cost open pit mining methods result in mining costs comprising less than 12% of total operating cost with a very low strip ratio at an average of 1.5 for the first 35 years of mine life
  • The project generates: Average Annual EBITA of A$800M and project pay back within 3.1 years
  • Low cost C1 Opex after Cobalt credit of US$5,763/t Ni (or excluding Cobalt credit - US$10,197/t/Ni) in MHP LOM
  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is expected to be 11.9 kg CO₂ eq. per kg nickel in MHP based on Ardea’s Scope 1, 2 and upstream Scope 3 emissions
  • In-pit tailings disposal minimises environmental footprint and enables mine site rehabilitation, concurrent with steady-state mine operation
  • See ASX announcement dated 5 July 2023 for details

The execution of the Cooperation Agreement with Sumitomo Metal Mining and Mitsubishi Corporation 29 April 2024 represented a major milestone completing Ardea's Strategic Partner process for Goongarrie Hub, and enabling DFS early works to commence. The DFS has commenced, with expected completion in the second half of 2025.

KNP Awarded Major Project Status by Australian Federal Government

  • Globally significant nickel and cobalt Mineral Resource at the Kalgoorlie Nickel Project (KNP) with Mineral Resource 6.1Mt contained nickel and 386kt contained cobalt (plus 3.39kt scandium, from just Goongarrie deposits) and pipeline of other Critical Minerals.
  • KNP is the largest nickel-cobalt resource in Australia (GSWA) and one of the largest in the developed World.

KNP - Mineral Resource Estimate

On 16 June 2021, Ardea presented a Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) for the Highway deposit (part of the Goongarrie Hub), and an updated JORC Code (2012) compliant MRE completed for the Goongarrie Hub (previously termed Goongarrie Nickel Cobalt Project - GNCP), including a High Grade Resource - 78 million tonnes at 1.0% nickel Long-life Battery Metal Resource Confirmed.

On 30 June 2023, Ardea presented an updated MRE for the KNP, with a combined resource of 854Mt at 0.71% nickel (see ASX announcement dated 30 June 2023).

Mineral Resource Statement

Kalgoorlie Nickel Project (KNP) Nickel and Cobalt Mineral Resource Estimate based on a 0.5% Ni cut-off grade
Camp Prospect Resource Category Size (Mt) Ni (%) Co (%) Contained Metal Estimation Details
Ni (kt) Co (kt) Method Source Year
Goongarrie Goongarrie South Measured 18.2 0.94 0.085 171 15 LUC Ardea 2021
Indicated 82.3 0.71 0.049 584 40 LUC Ardea 2021
Inferred 9.6 0.64 0.033 61 3 LUC Ardea 2021
Highway Indicated 70.6 0.69 0.038 487 27 LUC Ardea 2023
Inferred 21.1 0.67 0.040 141 8 LUC Ardea 2023
Ghost Rocks Inferred 47.3 0.66 0.042 312 20 OK Snowden 2004
Goongarrie Hill Indicated 39.9 0.65 0.037 259 15 LUC Ardea 2021
Inferred 29.3 0.60 0.025 176 7 LUC Ardea 2021
Big Four Indicated 48.7 0.71 0.047 346 23 LUC Ardea 2021
Inferred 14.1 0.68 0.043 96 6 LUC Ardea 2021
Scotia Dam Indicated 11.5 0.71 0.065 82 7 LUC Ardea 2021
Inferred 5.1 0.72 0.043 37 2 LUC Ardea 2021
Goongarrie Subtotal Measured 18.2 0.94 0.085 171 15
Indicated 253.0 0.69 0.044 1,758 112
Inferred 126.5 0.65 0.037 823 47
Ms+Ind+Inf 397.7 0.69 0.044 2,753 175
Siberia Siberia South Inferred 80.7 0.65 0.033 525 27 OK Snowden 2004
Siberia North Indicated 14.2 0.72 0.042 102 6 Ni (UC), Co (OK) Snowden 2009
Inferred 72.2 0.74 0.034 534 25 Ni (UC), Co (OK) Snowden 2009
Black Range Indicated 9.3 0.67 0.090 62 8 OK HGMC 2017
Inferred 9.9 0.69 0.100 68 10 OK HGMC 2017
Siberia Subtotal Indicated 23.5 0.70 0.061 165 14
Inferred 162.8 0.69 0.038 1,127 61
Ms+Ind+Inf 186.3 0.69 0.040 1,292 75
KNP Goongarrie Hub TOTAL Measured 18.2 0.94 0.085 171 15
Indicated 276.5 0.70 0.046 1,923 127
Inferred 289.3 0.67 0.037 1,951 108
Ms+Ind+Inf 584.0 0.69 0.043 4,044 250
Bulong Taurus Inferred 14.2 0.84 0.051 119 7 OK Snowden 2007
Bulong East Indicated 15.9 1.06 0.055 169 9 OK Snowden 2004
Inferred 24.0 0.79 0.053 190 13 OK Snowden 2004
Bulong Subtotal Indicated 15.9 1.06 0.055 169 9
Inferred 38.2 0.81 0.052 309 20
Ms+Ind+Inf 54.1 0.88 0.053 477 29
Hampton Kalpini Inferred 75.4 0.73 0.044 550 33 OK Snowden 2004
Hampton Subtotal Inferred 75.4 0.73 0.044 550 33
KNP Kalpini Hub TOTAL Indicated 15.9 1.06 0.055 169 9
Inferred 113.6 0.76 0.047 859 53
Ms+Ind+Inf 129.5 0.79 0.048 1,028 62
Yerilla Jump Up Dam Measured 3.8 0.94 0.048 36 2 OK Snowden 2008
Indicated 41.6 0.78 0.043 324 18 OK Snowden 2008
Inferred 18.4 0.63 0.034 116 6 OK Snowden 2008
Boyce Creek Indicated 26.8 0.77 0.058 206 16 OK Snowden 2009
Aubils Inferred 49.4 0.70 0.066 346 33 OK Heron 2008
KNP Yerilla Hub TOTAL Measured 3.8 0.94 0.048 36 2
Indicated 68.4 0.78 0.049 531 33
Inferred 67.8 0.68 0.057 462 39
Ms+Ind+Inf 140.0 0.73 0.053 1,028 74
KNP TOTAL Measured 22.0 0.94 0.079 207 17
Indicated 360.8 0.73 0.047 2,622 169
Inferred 470.7 0.70 0.043 3,272 200
GRAND TOTAL Ms+Ind+Inf 853.5 0.71 0.045 6,101 386

Legend: LUC – Local Uniform Conditioning; UC – Uniform Conditioning; OK – Ordinary Kriging.

For more detail and explanatory discussion, see the full Kalgoorlie Nickel Project (KNP) Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) following JORC Code (2012) guidelines in ASX announcement dated 30 June 2023.

This Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) is inclusive of the following KNP Goongarrie MRE and Ore Reserves table below on this page.

KNP Goongarrie Hub PFS subset nickel, cobalt and scandium MRE using a greater than 0.5% Ni cut-off grade
Deposit Resource Category Tonnes (Mt) Ni Co Resources Contained Metal Sc Resources
Ni (%) Co (%) Ni (kt) Co (kt) Tonnes (Mt) Sc (ppm)
Goongarrie South Measured 18 0.94 0.085 172 15 18 40
Indicated 82 0.71 0.049 587 40 53 23
Inferred 10 0.64 0.033 61 3 6 24
Subtotal 110 0.75 0.053 820 59 77 27
Goongarrie Hill Indicated 40 0.65 0.037 260 15 11 16
Inferred 29 0.60 0.025 178 7 2 16
Subtotal 69 0.63 0.032 438 22 13 16
Big Four Indicated 49 0.71 0.047 345 23 32 24
Inferred 14 0.68 0.043 95 6 3 24
Subtotal 63 0.70 0.046 440 29 35 24
Scotia Dam Indicated 11 0.71 0.065 82 7 11 25
Inferred 5 0.72 0.043 37 2 1 22
Subtotal 17 0.72 0.058 118 10 12 25
Highway Indicated 71 0.70 0.038 491 27 19 27
Inferred 21 0.67 0.040 142 8 3 26
Subtotal 92 0.69 0.038 633 35 22 26
Siberia North Indicated 14 0.72 0.042 102 6 - -
Inferred 72 0.74 0.034 532 24 - -
Subtotal 86 0.73 0.035 634 30 - -
Combined PFS Deposits Measured 18 0.94 0.085 172 15 18 40
Indicated 267 0.70 0.044 1,867 118 126 23
Inferred 151 0.69 0.034 1,045 51 14 23
Grand Total 437 0.71 0.042 3,083 184 158 25

Minor discrepancies may occur due to rounding of appropriate significant figures.

For more detail and explanatory discussion, see the Kalgoorlie Nickel Project (KNP) Goongarrie Hub Subset in ASX announcement dated 30 June 2023.

The Goongarrie Hub Mineral Resources shown in the above table for the Goongarrie South, Highway, Goongarrie Hill, Big Four, Scotia Dam and Siberia North deposits are inclusive of the Ore Reserves below on this page.

Goongarrie Hub - Ore Reserve Estimate June 2023

Orelogy has developed an Ore Reserve estimate for the Goongarrie South, Big Four, Goongarrie Hill, Highway and Siberia North pits. The Ore Reserves were produced in accordance with the guidelines of the JORC Code 2012.

The KNP Goongarrie Hub Pre-feasibility Study Ore Reserve consists of ore above 0.5% Ni as the feed stock for the KNP processing facility, and ore as mineralised neutraliser above 0.5% Ni equivalent and LOI is above 25%. The following sections summarise the modifying factors applied to produce the Ore Reserve.

Ore Reserve Summary – June 2023
Ore >= 0.5% Ni Ore > 0.5% NiEq and LOI > 25% Total Ore
Deposit Mt Ni (%) Co (%) Ni (kt) Co (kt) Mt Ni (%) Co (%) Ni (kt) Co (kt) Mt Ni (%) Co (%) Ni (kt) Co (kt)
Goongarrie South 16.7 0.96 0.09 160 15 0.05 0.43 0.03 0.20 0.01 16.7 0.96 0.09 160 15
Sub-total 16.7 0.96 0.09 160 15 0.0 0.43 0.03 0 0 16.7 0.96 0.09 160 15
Big Four / Scotia Dam 34.9 0.76 0.07 265 23 0.8 0.38 0.04 3 0 35.7 0.75 0.06 268 23
Goongarrie South 33.6 0.79 0.07 265 23 1.8 0.40 0.03 7 1 35.4 0.77 0.07 272 24
Goongarrie Hill 15.8 0.70 0.04 110 7 0.1 0.44 0.02 0 0 15.9 0.70 0.04 111 7
Highway 54.0 0.70 0.04 380 22 27.2 0.39 0.01 106 4 81.2 0.60 0.03 486 26
Siberia North 9.2 0.74 0.05 68 4 9.2 0.74 0.05 68 4
Sub-total 147.4 0.74 0.05 1,087 79 29.9 0.39 0.02 117 5 177.4 0.68 0.05 1,204 84
Big Four / Scotia Dam 34.9 0.76 0.07 265 23 0.8 0.38 0.04 3 0 35.7 0.75 0.06 268 23
Goongarrie South 50.2 0.85 0.08 425 38 1.9 0.40 0.03 7 1 52.1 0.83 0.07 432 39
Goongarrie Hill 15.8 0.70 0.04 110 7 0.1 0.44 0.02 0 0 15.9 0.70 0.04 111 7
Highway 54.0 0.70 0.04 380 22 27.2 0.39 0.01 106 4 81.2 0.60 0.03 486 26
Siberia North 9.2 0.74 0.05 68 4 9.2 0.74 0.05 68 4
TOTAL 164.1 0.76 0.06 1,247 94 30.0 0.39 0.02 117 5 194.1 0.70 0.05 1,365 99


  1. The Ore Reserve is reported in accordance with JORC Code (2012).
  2. Ore reserves are reported at a cut-off of 0.5% Ni for primary feed stock to the processing facility, plus mineralised neutraliser as ore at a cut-off of 0.5% NiEq and Loss on ignition (LOI) above 25%.
  3. NiEq defined using Ni + 2.32 x Co.
  4. The Ore Reserve was evaluated using a base price of US$22,000/t for Ni and US$51,000/t for Co at 85% payable for a Mixed Hydroxide Precipitate (MHP) product, and an exchange rate 0.69 USD/AUD.
  5. Ore Reserves account for mining dilution and mining ore loss.
  6. Ore Reserves are reported on a Dry Tonnage Basis.
  7. Proven Ore Reserves are based on Measured Mineral Resources only and Probable Ore Reserves are based on Indicated Mineral Resources only.
  8. The sum of individual amounts may not equal due to rounding.
  9. This Ore Reserve estimate is for a subset of the KNP Goongarrie Hub deposits being Goongarrie South, Big Four, Goongarrie Hill, Highway and Siberia North.
  10. The Goongarrie Hub Mineral Resources shown on this web page for the Goongarrie South, Highway, Goongarrie Hill, Big Four, Scotia Dam and Siberia North deposits are inclusive of the Ore Reserves shown in the table above.

For full details and JORC table, see ASX announcement dated 5 July 2023.

Desirable Flowsheet Proven Technology
3.5Mtpa - 2 x 1.5Mtpa HPAL autoclaves plus 0.5Mtpa AL circuit